- To make Animal Resources Development an engine of growth of the rural economy of Odisha, providing income and livelihood opportunities to the people.
- To make dairying a viable livelihood option for small, marginal farmers and landless persons by strengthening all forward and backward linkages.
- To enable poor farmers to improve the productivity of animals like sheep, goat and pig.
- To make backyard poultry a popular and viable subsidiary farming activity in rural area
- To Achieve self sufficiency/ surplus in milk, meat and egg production
- To enhance per capita availability of milk, eggs, and meat including poultry meat.
- To enhance availability of feed and fodder for economic dairy farming.
- To provide efficient veterinary services at the door step of the farmers.
- Create employment opportunity for 5 lakh farmers in ARD Sector within 10 years.
- Increase milk production from 1.5 million MT to 3 million MT in the next five years and 4.8 million MT by 2020.
- Enhance sale of milk by OMFED to at least from 1 to 1.5 million litres per day in the next 5 years and 2 million MT by 2020.
- Increase Meat production to 110 TMT per annum by 2020.
- Increase egg production from 42 lakhs to 100 lakhs eggs per day by 2020.
- Increase poultry meat production from 70 TMT to 100 TMT by 2020.
- Fodder production 200 lakh tons per annum by 2020.