The Department of Fisheries & Animal Resources Development was created during 1991 after being bifurcated from the erstwhile Forestry, Fisheries & Animal Husbandry Department vide GA Department Resolution No.28038/Gen., dt. 10.10.1990. The Department acts as the nodal department for formulation of plans, policies and programmes for Fisheries as well as Animal Resources sector and is responsible for their successful implementation.
Livestock production has always become an integral part of the rural livelihood system in Odisha all through the known history of the state. The predominant farming system in Odisha records mixed farming where agricultural crops and Animal Husbandry go hand in hand. The annual incomes of a farm family from farming and livestock sectors are more or less same. But the growth in the livestock sector in the past few years has shown a steep increase as compared to the farming sector. Livestock sector provides livelihood and disposable income to a rural family, besides rendering protein supplementation and food security.